E-Waste Management
Electronic waste, or e-waste, is a term for electronic products that have become unwanted, non-working, obsolete, and have essentially reached the end of their useful life.
As per E-waste Rule 2016, E-waste is defined as ‘electrical and electronic equipment, whole or in part discarded as waste by the consumer or bulk consumer as well as rejects from manufacturing, refurbishment and repair processes.
E-waste contains many valuable, recoverable materials such as aluminum, copper, gold, silver, plastics, and ferrous metals. In order to conserve natural resources and the energy needed to produce new electronic equipment from virgin resources, electronic equipment can be refurbished, reused, and recycled instead of being land-filled.
E-waste also contains toxic and hazardous materials including mercury, lead, cadmium, beryllium, chromium, and chemical flame retardants, which have the potential to reach in to our soil and water.

Collection Mechanism of e-waste
The company had planned to adopt the Buy-back Scheme
Under Buy back Scheme, in cases where the customer wants to discard their old product, they may call at the and our representatives shall approach the customer and buy the said discarded product from the customer and inconsideration.
The Customer shall also be free to deposit the discarded product at the nearest collection point and he will get the discount voucher and shall be eligible for the discount on the purchase of a selected new product of the Company. The company will coordinate with other independent vendors who may sell the e-waste/EOL product collected by them.
The Company will furthermore elaborate its scheme and shall keep updating the same based on the experience faced while implementing the said schemes on a quarterly basis.

Direct Collection from Customer’s premises
For the collection of e-waste,The Company has set up a toll-free number where any customermay call and register itself for either depositing their old product free of costor otherwise under a buy-back programinitiated by the company. The company shall give its toll-free number on itsproduct manuals, website, and social networking platforms and at its variousconnected premises for its customer information for disposal oftheir e-waste.The customer can directly call on these numbers and the e-waste will bedirectly collected by the company or by its recycler partner. The company has arecycling partner who manages logistic service through its collection centres available at most of the locations.
Recycling of E-waste
The Company has tied -up with the M/s E-WASTE RECYCLERS INDIA for the collection of all our E-waste on PAN India and disposes the same at their plant at Shed-15 Roz, kaMeo, Industrial Area, Nuh, Haryana and the waste sent to recycling partner for the further process of recycling M/s E-WASTE RECYCLERS INDIA Customers can reach or call on 1800-102-5679. Our representatives explain to them the process of disposal and make them aware of the nearest drop point available to drop the e-waste also give information about incentives we will offer to them against their end-of-life product. If any customer wants to hand over the material from their doorsteps, we do send either our logistics team or the E-waste Solutions team to collect the items and channelize the same to our e-waste partner plant for final processing.